These have been especially rapid in machine learning, where programs discover how to complete a task based on data, rather than relying on the primarily handwritten rules of the prior generations of software. The work of U.N. agencies on AI covers diverse issues from the use of AI for verification of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty to increasing detection of trade in endangered species. The number of countries reported in the OECD AI observatory shows the broad interest in harnessing the benefits of AI everywhere. The U.S. and allies need to develop a coordinated approach to AI ethics, regulation, and development that will stand as a counterpoint to China’s policies. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been described as the “fourth industrial revolution” with transformative and global implications, including in healthcare, public health, and global health. Realizing this interest will require building global capacity for AI development and its application and advocating for policies that support innovation and R&D, including access to data, talent, and computing capacity. It then examines drivers of international cooperation in AI, current mechanisms of cooperation, and their limits. Rather than a zero-sum game, many such efforts can be additive, benefiting global welfare. Rather than dealing with such issues as a starting point, therefore, the best way to develop international cooperation may be simply to cooperate—to set out to deploy AI on important problems that demand transnational solutions, require resources on a large scale, and provide a significant demonstration project both for international AI cooperation and for AI for good. As a Venture Partner with deep expertise in artificial intelligence, Alex focuses on applications of this emerging technology to a wide range of problems. The COVID-19 crisis has hit hard. Minds and Machines. ConspectusThe ongoing revolution of the natural sciences by the advent of machine learning and artificial intelligence sparked significant interest in the material science community in recent years. Our experiments using ResNets, AlexNet, and SqueezeNet on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets show that the proposed method on average can achieve a … Canada CIFAR AI Chairs program surges past 100, Ontario researchers use AI to diagnose and treat COVID-19. These reflect shared democratic liberal values and concerns that AI develop in ways that is nondiscriminatory and protects and respect values including human dignity, autonomy, and privacy. China has already shown how its political values have led to the use of AI to surveil and control in ways that are unacceptable in the U.S. and other democratic countries.39 AI is also being exported to other governments with authoritarian goals; in 2018, Freedom House documented 18 countries that purchased AI surveillance tools from China.40 Such policies have led Western countries to explore working together in response, with European Commission President von der Leyen explaining their proposal to strengthen the transatlantic partnership in part as a response to “an illiberal China.”. © Copyright 2021 CIFAR. World Economic Foru, Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT): Paths Toward Free and Trusted Data Flows, page 9 (2020), 1001) and the Illinois’s Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act (H.B. A draft AI regulation is expected in spring 2021, complemented by an updated safety and liability regime for AI and a European Data Strategy. It also requires a more strategic approach to how Chinese researchers engage, one that avoids shutting the door entirely to collaboration but is clear-eyed about the risks and takes appropriate measures to mitigate these. The year 2020 will be a turning point in history. As an advanced product of digital technologies and the internet, AI has grown up across national boundaries. Supporters These include the development of AI industry, with various levels of government funding, policy measures to address the impact of AI on the future of work; policy to increase AI R&D and attract AI talent; and measures to increase access to data for AI, including government-held data. While the U.S. needs to work with allies to coordinate on AI in response to these challenges, the U.S. will also need to find ways not to shut the door completely on cooperation with China on some AI-related issues and to counter AI splintering the world along different technology standards and markets.52 This will require accepting Chinese progress in AI, working to constrain threats where feasible, and shaping approaches where possible. Now, according to the AI observatory maintained by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), some 60 countries have AI policies. The EU white paper states that “The EU will continue to cooperate with like-minded countries, but also with global players” (which presumably include China), with the proviso that such cooperation “promotes the respect of fundamental rights, including human dignity, pluralism, inclusion, non-discrimination and protection of privacy and personal data. The U.S. can encourage and support AI efforts that seek to develop and compete on fair terms. The Ethics of AI Ethics: An Evaluation of Guidelines. Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, “Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications”. In its cybersecurity and privacy frameworks, NIST has mapped international standards onto common vocabularies and the NIST cybersecurity framework provides a roadmap for governments and organizations to tailor practices according to the circumstances. As governments carry out their international cooperation aspirations, there is a range of international efforts developing rules and norms around technology and data that have implications for AI. The importance and opportunities of transatlantic cooperation on AI, The U.S. and EU should base AI regulations on shared democratic values, How different countries view artificial intelligence, MGI-Notes-from-the-AI-frontier-Modeling-the-impact-of-AI-on-the-world-economy-September-2018.ashx (, preparing_for_the_future_of_ai.pdf (, 2019-CATS-5830-REV_DOC--DraftOMBMemoonRegulationofAI101019.docx (, DOD Adopts Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release, Thierry Breton: European companies must be ones profiting from European data – POLITICO, Transition 2021: America's Role in the World, A blueprint for technology governance in the post-pandemic world, Beyond Huawei and TikTok: Untangling US concerns over Chinese tech companies and digital security, • Establish guidelines and promote research on explainability and accountability, AI specific regulation, privacy, cybersecurity, • Set up regulatory sandboxes to test AI products, National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, Interim Report November 2019; Erik Brynjolfsson et al., “Artificial Intelligence and the Modern Productivity Paradox: A Clash of Expectations and Statistics”, NBER Working Paper no. As these AI regulatory efforts take shape, international cooperation can minimize unnecessary divergence and find areas where alignment is possible. G-7 Science and Technology Minister’s Declaration on COVID-19, May 28, 2020;, Saudi Arabia G-20, G-20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting, Ministerial Declaration, July 22, 2020. This helps ensure understanding of technical and business issues as well as transparency and input from affected interests. Reinforcement learning has led to superhuman video game performance and holds great promise for robotics. Often this requires that conveners curate and calibrate the contributions to the process. The fear is that somehow machine learning systems will become sentient and decide independently from their programmers (and masters) about … Individual leaders have become engaged in these issues. Joshua P. A common approach to AI ethics alone is unlikely to provide sufficient glue for robust cooperation on AI. Successful development and deployment of AI require government policies that can sustain these ecosystems of collaboration. However, even a common approach to AI ethics can produce divergence likely to create barriers to AI innovation and diffusion when translated into domestic regulation without international coordination. To support a national research community on artificial intelligence. The development of principles for ethical use of AI has been a major focus for governments as well as international organizations, industry, academia, and civil society.3 The U.S. government has also been a key player in developing AI ethical principles. This paper looks at the challenges of international cooperation to these ends. Government policy towards AI includes developing AI ethical principles, investing in AI R&D, preparing the workforce for opportunities as well as disruptions from AI, and assessing the need for AI regulation and standards. These include safety risks in sectors such as transportation as well AI applications with the potential to erode or threaten individual fundamental rights in the EU human rights framework, such as consumer protection, nondiscrimination, and freedom of expression. The focus on ethical AI also reflects concerns among democratic states about China’s development and deployment of AI. Over 70 percent of these ethical guidelines also call for transparency and openness, safety, and AI that is sustainable and for the common good.13 Principles on a role for human oversight and control appear in just over 50 percent and the need for AI ethical requirements such as explainability and interpretability appear in less than 50 percent of the ethical guidelines assessed. The second challenge comes from other governments whose AI policies could lead to prescriptive regulation that may stifle AI innovation and discriminate against U.S. technology firms. The intrinsically high dimensionality of the space of realizable materials makes traditional approaches ineffective for large-scale explorations. With the U.S. joinder, the GPAI launched as a multistakeholder initiative that includes 18 countries and the EU. This includes areas such as assessing AI risk, developing international AI standards, and to the conformity assessment of AI products. We are committed to building local and regional AI ecosystems, supporting AI talent and training, fostering collaboration, and understanding the societal implications of AI. These can bring added energy to forums for AI cooperation. This includes work by the Obama administration,4 a more recent proposed AI ethical guidelines for U.S. government agencies,5 and sector-specific ethical principles from the Department of Defense.6 U.S. states and cities have also passed legislation addressing AI ethical issues such as algorithmic accountability,7 facial recognition,8 privacy and algorithmic profiling,9 and transparency.10 National governments in Europe, Japan, China, and Australia to mention a few; the EU as well as international organizations such as the OECD; and business, academia, and civil society, have developed ethical guidelines for AI.11. first propose an efficient untargeted attack, called the FGSM, to generate adversarial samples in the L ∞ neighbor of the benign samples, as shown in Fig. The OECD continues to do research to inform government AI policies and it operates an observatory that tracks policy developments, research, and data available via a web portal.46 It also functions as the secretariat for GPAI. Some AI policies discuss the need for international collaboration and cooperation, such as in R&D and the development of international AI standards.37,  Table 1. Other national policies—China’s above all—seek to erect barriers to free and open development of AI, appropriating the benefits for their national champions and applying AI as a geopolitical lever. Mr. Dussault is currently President of ACVA Investing Corporation which is a privately held investment company. Frequently, the question of the AI apocalypse, or the AI singularity has been raised in non-technical articles on AI. Foremost among them are high hopes for AI; hopes that echo the pre-existing importance of healthcare in recent national AI strategies. NIST has begun work on core building blocks of trustworthy artificial intelligence, including security and explainability. View in article Such a statement would provide a guide to U.S. government international engagement from the President on down through each relevant agency. Some government efforts to capture the economic benefits from AI is driving mercantilist policies aimed at boosting domestic AI development in the name of digital sovereignty.42 Such policies may have negative spillovers, such as restrictions on access to data, data localization, discriminatory investment, or disproportionate compliance requirements that can hamper economic growth and gains from AI.43 International cooperation is needed here to address the risks of protectionism and avoid trade tensions that limit the global potential of AI. CIFAR’s leadership of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy is funded by the Government of Canada, with support from Facebook and the RBC Foundation. There is significant international convergence around certain principles of ethical AI that provides an important starting point for international cooperation on AI.12 One report assessing 22 sets of such principles found that requirements for accountability and/or privacy and/or fairness appear in about 80 percent and appear to be the minimum requirements for an ethically-sound AI system. In light of the economic and trade implications of AI, the U.S. should expand its use of trade agreements, including in free trade agreements and in discussion in the World Trade Organization to develop rules and norms relevant to AI. China’s AI strategy also needs to be assessed alongside its efforts to internationalize its technology and standards, including along the “Digital Silk Road” as a component of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, and by proactive and strategic engagement in international standards organizations.33, China’s AI policies also include some elements of international cooperation on AI. China has a comprehensive and ambitious set of AI policies. China has benefited from global cooperation on AI research and has expanded domestic innovation capacity. This general-purpose nature means that AI could have wide-ranging economic impacts across manufacturing, transportation, health, education, and many other sectors. Salakhutdinov and Hinton, AI-Stats 2007: 6-layer NN 784-2500-2000-1500-1000-500-10 (on GPU) [elastic distortions] none: 0.35: Ciresan et al. 4. Commonalities in governments’ AI policies, • Establish national AI research centers, • Remuneration incentives and visa policies to attract international talent, • Increase AI programs or components in master’s and doctoral programs, • Increase reskilling/training programs for workers, • Incorporate more STEM (including AI) in primary to undergrad curriculum, • Establish digital innovation hubs to connect companies to AI expertise, • Use state investment funds to support startups and leverage, • Make public datasets available for AI development, • Develop regulation to address AI specific opportunities and risks, • Develop cybersecurity policies for infrastructure and data, including supply chains, • Pilot AI-based solutions in public service, • Engaging in international organizations, working with international partners, • Establishing international public-private partnerships, • Promote use of AI to solve common challenges (SDGs) and advance debate on issues arising from AI (robot alienation/citizenship, global safety). Its strength in AI has been built on a global, open, and distributed system of innovation. Click to access FY2020-NITRD-AI-RD-Budget-September-2019.pdf, Click to access American-AI-Initiative-One-Year-Annual-Report.pdf, Click to access P020171025789108009001.pdf, Click to access IoT-ONE-Made-in-China-2025.pdf, Click to access 10192018_FINAL_FOTN_2018.pdf. The EU is pivotal to successful international cooperation. Guidance for the Brookings community and the public on our response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) », Learn more from Brookings scholars about the global response to coronavirus (COVID-19) ». Several state and local laws limit or prohibit the use of biometric data collection, such as the state of California and Massachusetts In 2020, cities like San Francisco, Oakland, California, and Somerville, Massachusetts, passed bills to ban the use of facial recognition software for policing and law enforcement purposes.. It often involves multidisciplinary teams in multiple locations. The main ones are expanding cooperation with leading AI universities and joint research centers globally; expanding its role in determining technological standards; and more actively participating in AI governance including tackling common challenges (robot alienation, safety supervision).34, The development of AI policies by the U.S., China, and the EU reflects a broader global trend to develop increasingly comprehensive and strategic approaches to AI.35 Table 1 below summarized the published AI strategies of 28 countries.36 These strategies differ in terms of emphasis and levels of funding, but there are common elements. Attract and retain world-class AI researchers by increasing the number of outstanding AI researchers and skilled graduates in Canada. The multilateral and multistakeholder forums for AI governance and cooperation discussed above offer advantages and disadvantages. Discover the latest in AI research and news from our community. Through its consultative processes, it developed the recommended policy principles adopted by its Council of Ministers, which are reflected in the G-20 statement and present a useful consensus on broad AI issues. CIFAR is fuelling AI research and innovation. 2557). Advance national AI initiatives by supporting a national research community on AI through training programs, workshops, and other collaborative opportunities. Financial Reports I spoke on “The Domestication of Causal Reasoning: Cultural and Methodological Implications,” and the reading list I proposed as background material was: As outlined, important progress has already been made developing common AI ethical principles. At the same time, China combines a restricted domestic market with an international approach to AI that includes aggressive acquisition of intellectual property (IP) and innovation from rivals, government subsidies that tilt the playing field towards Chinese companies, and strategic engagement in international forums for standards and norms that support China’s applications of AI. The white paper also proposes regulating “high-risk” AI applications. … The EU and the U.S. should intensify their cooperation at bilateral and multilateral levels to promote regulatory convergence and facilitate free data flow with trust on the basis of high standards and safeguards.” Concretely, the commission proposes a Transatlantic AI Agenda to advance regional and global standards rooted in EU values. He received the best paper award of ICML’14 and was nominated for the best paper of WWW’16. The authors thank Rosanna Fanni for providing valuable research assistance. This led to publication of the Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence in February 2020, envisioning a “European ecosystem of excellence and trust.” Proposals in the white paper include measures to streamline research and foster collaboration on AI among member states, and increasing investment into AI development and deployment by 70 percent. 1. Careers Datasets are an integral part of the field of machine learning. Next, we implement the above five step sizes on ResNet-18 (He et al., 2016) with CIFAR-100 8 . Finally, it makes recommendations for how the Biden-Harris administration should respond to these challenges and work with like-minded countries. NIST’s work could be a foundation for collaboration on an international framework that integrates the wide array of international standards into a common approach to AI governance that could ultimately inform policy decisionmaking. The European Commission launched development of its AI strategy in 2017, tasking a High-Level Expert Group on AI to establish guidelines for the trustworthy and ethical use of AI in the EU and later releasing an assessment of Europe’s competitive position in AI. Understand the societal implications of AI by developing global thought leadership on the economic, ethical, policy, and legal implications of advances in AI. In fact, Brookings has been convening a Forum on International Cooperation on AI (FCAI), which brings together officials from Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, Singapore, and U.S., with a spectrum of experts. These tactics are often at odds with the interests of the U.S. and other leading economies, and the use of AI in applications like repressive surveillance is at odds with American values and those of other democracies. The G-7 and G-20 provide opportunities for leaders to discuss technology and AI issues. Lead by the ITU, the “AI for Good Global Summit” is the leading U.N. platform for global dialogue on AI.49 The summit includes engagement by 37 U.N. partners. CIFAR is a registered charitable organization supported by the governments of Canada, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec as well as foundations, individuals, corporations, and international partner organizations. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Over the last years deep learning methods have been shown to outperform previous state-of-the-art machine learning techniques in several fields, with computer vision being one of the most prominent cases. The sheer size of China, its access to population-scaled datasets, and its willingness to use state power to boost domestic AI at the expense of AI developed elsewhere, also presents unique challenges to a model for successful AI development driven by markets and open flows of technology and information.41 These challenges arise from government-sponsored cyber theft of commercial technology, state-directed strategic acquisition of western technology, forced data localization requirements, and restrictions on data flows and access to the Chinese market for American and other technology companies. In particular, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework is a good model for how to leverage international standards to build a common, globally acceptable approach to AI. Just as unilateral regulation in the name of ethics can erect barriers to trade, other AI policies can have the same effect. The new administration has been clear about its intentions to reengage with the world and “build back better” longstanding alliances, to elevate the role of science in its policymaking, and to increase equity and individual empowerment. Media Major advances in this field can result from advances in learning algorithms (such as deep learning), computer hardware, and, less-intuitively, the availability of high-quality training datasets. AI branches that mimic human intelligence include machine learning, computer vision, and robotics, as shown in Fig. His CIFAR-10/100 datasets have become standard benchmarks. These include ISO/IEC, IEEE, and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). However, the inclusion of China and Russia in the G-20 will limit the extent to which that body can drive effective international cooperation on AI as well as other technology issues. 661 University Ave., Suite 505 On Wednesday December 23 I had the honor of participating in “AI Debate 2”, a symposium organized by Montreal AI, which brought together an impressive group of scholars to discuss the future of AI. Ravi was the Co-Chair (AI and deep learning) for the 2019 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Frontiers of Engineering symposium. It may be difficult to align certain differences over ethics, regulation, and national aspirations in the abstract. He also applies machine learning to various problems in artificial intelligence, notably the automated design and analysis of algorithms for solving hard computational problems. Source: Authors’ own analysis based on CIFAR (2020): Building an AI World: Report on National and Regional AI Strategies. Together, the U.S. and EU comprise the largest trade relationship in the world, important markets, and key sources of AI capacity including AI talent, capital, and other resources. Rather than bet on one horse for international engagement on AI (and related issues), the U.S. should play the field, seeking out like-minded partners and the best pathways for specific issues and building outward where it can. This values-based rationale for AI cooperation has been given content with the development by the AI High Level Expert Group (HLEG) of international ethical standards, where this forms a basis for EU goals of “upward regulatory convergence,” with the aim of creating a level playing field on AI.24. However, this leadership is being challenged on two main fronts. Goodfellow et al. In 2018, the McKinsey Global Institute estimated that AI could add around 16 percent, or $13 trillion, to global output by 2030.2 Since then COVID-19 has further accelerated the use of AI. U.S. AI policy also recognizes the importance of international cooperation on AI: The American AI Initiative recognizes partnerships with U.S. allies and partners represent a key “source of strategic competitive advantage,” and identifies the need to “engage internationally to promote a global environment that supports American AI research and innovation and opens markets for American AI industries.”22 The identified goals of engagement include supporting the uptake of trustworthy AI innovation and promoting trust in and adoption of AI technologies for economic growth and global security. 2231) were introduced in Congress in 2020, and New Jersey has introduced a similar bill, A.B. The aim of this short tutorial is to raise awareness on the energy consumption of AI and to show different tracks to improve this problem, from distributed and federated learning, to optimization of Neural Networks and their data representation (e.g. As reflected in the foregoing discussion, there are numerous avenues of engagement on international AI cooperation that the Biden-Harris administration should continue to engage with and support. Without international coordination and integration, AI policies are unlikely to realize their potential and instead create barriers to AI diffusion globally. Accenture Canada's analysis of the economic impact of the world's first national AI strategy. These datasets are used for machine-learning research and have been cited in peer-reviewed academic journals. The National AI R&D Strategic Plan prepared in 2016 and updated in 2019 set priorities for federal investment in AI R&D,14 and Executive Order 13859 launched the American AI Initiative in 2019.15 The National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act 2021 established the White House National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office charged with coordinating the national AI strategy—a potentially powerful tool for a whole-of-government government to push on AI in a coordinated and strategic way.16 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Guidance on how to balance AI regulation in ways that address legitimate AI risk and support AI innovation provides guidance for how to regulate AI and a potential roadmap for other governments.17 The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) is developing a comprehensive approach to developing AI standards that is data-driven and could be the basis for a common understanding on how to measure trustworthy AI.18 The 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) further develops AI policy in the defense and non-defense sectors.19 This includes establishing a National AI Research Task Force to investigate the feasibility of establishing a National AI Research Resource, permitting the National Science Foundation (NSF) to establish National AI Research Institutes, and tasking NIST to develop an AI Risk Management Framework.
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