It also forces all players to keep their heads up or they’ll run into someone! Try to make teams similar height and skill level. The primary purpose of passing is to move the basketball between players with proper spacing in order to create high percentage shots taken and made. When a defender is on the ball, you have 5 open windows to pass the ball: Practice passing through all windows against imaginary, stationary, and "live" defenders. After each pass, the passer will join the end of the line they passed to. ​Pairs divide in two lines behind the baseline on the edge of the key. Same scoring system as above. Switch after a certain amount of time – Players can rotate positions after a certain period of time (depending of the age of the players, their strength, and endurance) instead of after every steal and deflection. Interleaving means you are working multiple skills or concepts at once (ex: passing and shooting). Here are two passing drills for basketball coaches to use to accomplish just that. After each pass is made, the defender sprints to the receiver and plays tight defense again. The two outside lines start with a basketball. O2 turns and throws a baseball pass to O3. Coaching Points: Don’t allow players to all dribble in the same direction or it will be too easy. In games, the distances change, angles change, quick decisions need to be made, receivers are moving at different speeds, you have to pass around defenders, and so on. This type of drill gives you the best bang for your buck and your most effective development tool. The defenders however can move at any time. The aim is to improve the chest pass technique. Game based drills are the most effective when it comes to developing the entire passing skill set and the decision making needed. The wings start about the volleyball lines and run to touch the baseline and sprint to halfcourt. Place orders with us faster. This is in contrast to block practice drills where you repeat the exact same pass over and over. Create a Wish List to share with family & friends. Layup technique is very important for this drill. This isn’t a requirement, just an option. In case of a shooting foul, offensive player shoots one free throw for 1 point. The 4 Passes Drill is performed as follows: O1 tosses ball off backboard, rebounds it, throws an outlet pass to O2, then sprints down the lane line to the opposite basket. Play until one team reaches 5 or 11 points. This will make it tougher for the defensive player. The basic passes including chest pass, behind the back pass and side pass, are covered with small games to put them into practice. Divide players in two teams depending on the number of players you have available at practice. This allows the team in possession of the ball to utilise the overlap. When the defensive player gets a steal or deflection, players rotate their positions. The drill continues up the floor until the players reach the opposite three-point line. To spice up basketball passing practice, this drill adds a little more difficulty and also works on player communication. Attack, meet and grab the pass. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive three free eBooks with over 270 pages of content! The rebounder then chooses a side to throw to and the person who doesn't receive the ball becomes the defender for know what has become a 2 on 1 advantage. Don’t allow travels! Remember to take into account the age, strength, and skill level of your team when deciding which passes they should use during the drill. Variable means the distances, angles and types of passes are continually changing. The drill can be run for any length of time. Two-Ball Passing Lane Drill . If you need to — intervene to make corrections or re-emphasise the most important points of the drill (spacing, cutting), but keep it short. When you’re coaching basketball, regardless of the level, you can use these shooting drills with your team to liven up your practices and workouts.. 99 Shooting Drill. Just pivoting and using fakes to open up passing space and get the ball past the defender. The primary purpose of passing is to move the basketball between players with proper spacing in order to create high percentage shots taken and made. Passing is one of the most important fundamentals skills you can develop. 5 Lanes Passing Drill. Footwork is vitally important during this drill. Learn the bounce, chest, overhead, skip, and lead pass skills. Monitor the pace of the drill; especially if it’s used as one of the warm up drills. This is a great drill that helps your players get a lot of shots up in a competitive setting. When the players get back to the start, they immediately join the middle lines again and continue through the drill continuously. A fun passing drill that works on catching and passing without traveling, communication, timing, and also layups at the end of the drill. Block practice is great for introducing the skill but does not effectively transfer passing skills into actual games. Passing is a critical area that successful coaches incorporate into their practice plans daily. A regular scrimmage with no dribbling of the basketball allowed at any time. Here are the rules: Take a look at our basketball passing skills, drills & training tips. SET UP Position one group of players to the left of the free throw line. Instructions: Players split … The receiver moves toward and meets the ball. The first player in one of the lines has a basketball. One line positioned in each corner of the half-court. Then up the intensity. 30-40 seconds for example. Technique passing drills.2. Effective bounce passes bounce up as high as they were executed. The 3s, then change positions. Here's a great three-player drill that helps young players improve their basketball passing, catching, and footwork while moving up and down the court. The players start to move up the floor as one outside player passes to the player in the middle line. Two outside players must pass to each other without the use of lob passes or dribbling. They make it too easy for the offensive players and will result in little improvement. The offensive players must wait for the defender to recover before making the pass. Partner Passing with 2 Balls. The coach designates a shooter. Players are divided into the groups of three. By adding the extra demands of the target gates through which a successful pass has to be made this passing drill will even challenge the best passer within teams again and again. And the rules are simple. When the first pair of players gets to the opposite baseline, they slide back closer to the sideline and go back passing over the top of the players in the middle. Try some of these passing drills for basketball: Circle Passing – Love it as a coach, hated it as a player. The middle player will then turn and receive the pass from the other outside player and pass immediately back to them. Decision-making passing drills.Unfortunately, most coaches only focus on 'technique' passing drills and forget about training their team's decision-making ability when it comes to sharing the basketball.Your players are not going to improve their in-game passing by making thousands of chest pass repetitions.While technique drills do have their place, they're far less important than decision-making basketball passing drills.We must allow players to learn how to read the defense and make correct passing decisions. The previous offensive team can play defense until half-court. Drill: Players will divide into five lines on a baseline as shown. Basketball passing drills and practices aim to develop passing accuracy, technique, and awareness. 152 page ebook with 72 great basketball drills, Push with left and right (one hand behind ball... similar to shooting grip), allows you to reinforce skills, technique, and concepts, great for warm ups and incorporating multiple skills/concepts at the same time. The athlete should maintain a low, controlled center and fast feet between each of the two middle cones, and the partner should keep up a constant series of fast, regular passes at chest height. This will assist with just receiving a wayward pass. When this happens, the two outside players dribble in and finish with a layup. This basketball drill will improve ball-handling because players must react to other players and can’t predetermine their actions. The operative word here is "can" not "must." Block drills are good for getting high number of reps, introducing skills, and building confidence but should be limited or even eliminated from practice as your players progress. Only bounce passes allowed – Restrict your players too using bounce passes. Tiger Passing is a drill that can be used to work on passing, cutting, and being strong with the basketball. The drill begins with the player with the basketball passing out in front of the player in the line to the right. They should be a height that’s safe enough to clear the middle lines, but direct enough to get to their partner quickly. One dribble allowed – Allow the offensive players to make one dribble to open up the passing angle. Two passers are lined up 12-15 feet apart. The drill is just as it sounds. You can start with a mix of variable and interleaving drills that do not utilize defenders. Passing Drill #1 - One-Ball Rapid Fire Passing Drill. Fun passing drill while also working on defense. Have your players line up facing a solid wall, about two feet from the wall (or a toss-back rebounding device). Drill: Players form three lines; one at a baseline and two lines at about the free throw line extended on the same side of the court. Footwork is important in this drill. Passes must be accurate and out in front. The "Hero" Drill. Don’t allow players to run up and hand the basketball to each other. If you’re coaching young kids and they can’t, slow the drill down. Note: with youth players we suggest 5v4 or 5v3 instead of 5v5. © Copyright 2021 Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. That is a mistake because you are only practicing a tiny aspect of passing and not how things happen in a game! Midrange or three-point shot - Instead of finishing with a layup, the players can finish with a midrange shot or a three-point shot. With block drills, you isolate a skill and you repeat the skill over and over for X amount of repetitions. The Internet's #1 Website for Basketball Camps, Resources and Learning Products. Add a defender into your basketball passing drills to create game-like scenarios and force offensive players into making better decisions.. WHY USE THIS OFFENSIVE BASKETBALL DRILL Once the basketball passing basics are mastered, put those skills to the test by having players attempt to pass with an aggressive defender lurking.. SET UP One Dribble - Players are allowed to take one dribble before making the pass to the next line. Accurate passing is the primary focus of the drill. Up and back - Instead of waiting at the other end, the group can make two trips of the floor. Defenders are utilized and players must now judge distance, pass away from defenders, decide what types of passes to use, pass under pressure, create angles, use fakes, and put everything together. The shooter is the only one who can shoot the ball. Ensure players aren’t traveling and that they’re using their pivots correctly. The offense has one player more than defense, so passing is the best way to exploit this advantage, so this drill is perfect for you to apply various passing types in order to score the basket. For beginners, coaches should start with a simple drills like partner passing to introduce new skills and terminology to your players (like the chest pass, bounce pass, push pass, overhead pass and so on). An air pass travels through the air. The only difference is the intensity level, speed, distance, and constraints get more challenging as you go up in levels. Below you'll find 21 very effective passing drills for basketball coaches to use during practice. All passes should be at least 3 feet in length. Players need to be aware of the other players in the middle to avoid collisions. Third team is in the middle of the court on offense. Great drill to help youth players progress from a 3-man weave and an excellent pre-practice warmup drill for older players. This comes into play when a player has to use their weak hand to make a pass to a guarded or open teammates. These drills focus on building coordination and confidence handling the ball with both the stronger and weaker hands. Players 1 and 2 then dribble further before passing to Monkey in Middle and Bull in Ring - Fun drills that adds defenders so players learn how to pass through open windows, use fakes, and make decisions. After a couple of minutes, have players switch directions, and pass to their right. Players form 3 lines behind the baseline. Welcome, visitor! The receiver shouldn’t have to slow down or speed up to catch the pass. Rush Drill: Rebounder takes ball off board and dribbles to half-court and uses a jump stop. This is also a very fun basketball passing drill that your team is sure to have fun with. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. If you'd like MORE basketball drills, check out our FREE 152 page ebook with 72 great basketball drills that are neatly organized and ready for you to print out in PDF format. It’s imperative that you don’t allow any traveling violations while players are running this drill. This drill will improve passing to players on the move as well as being able to catch and pass without dribbling. It’s very important for the defender to have active hands and feet at all times. Players will then make a one or two-handed pass out in front of the player to their right who start running along the sideline or baseline. Don’t allow them to fall into that bad habit. See how to improve for next time you step on the court! The drill works on passing under pressure and not allowing defenders to anticipate your pass; Kentucky Layups– Full court layups and passing drill. Rate and Review products. The purpose of the drill is learning how to create passing gaps and angles. Being able to pass one-handed with either hand is an important skill to develop. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive new drills, plays, scoring tips and coaching strategies, Good for teams that like to push the ball in transition for easy layups Instructions: The drill begins with the defender playing tight on the player who starts with the basketball. When they get there, they slide back closer to the sideline and return using a variety of passes over the players in the middle of the court. If the setup for the drill does not fit your needs, tweak the version you run so that it does. One player counts out “1, 2, Pass!” and simultaneously all 3 players will make a bounce pass to the player to their left. The two players on the outside lines have a basketball each. The players on the outside lines can take 1 - 2 dribbles to avoid traveling. After a certain period of time, the coach changes the direction of the passing. The following drills can be performed for a certain amount of time, like 30 seconds, or a specified number of repetitions, like 10 each. Basketball passing drills for 1 player. On both type of passes, stay low and maintain balance and control to an intended target. This can be beneficial if you’re doing one-handed passes. ​Include a Second Basketball – If the players are comfortable with one basketball, introduce a second starting in the opposite corner. In the Possession Passing Drill, there is always a numbers advantage for the offense. No Dribble Advancement - Best drill for young kids to improve passing and pivoting skills, decision making, and ability to handle pressure. The drills 'Monkey in the Middle' and 'Netball' below are two of my favorite drills for doing this.Also, passing drills are great to start practice with to warm up your team and get them communicating and working together. Keep Away Passing / 10 in a Row Passing - Same concept... a variation to keep things fun and improve decision making, passing, and ball security. Starting on the baseline on the edges of the key, pairs of players will pass one basketball back-and-forth using a variety of passes as they jog down the court to the other baseline. Passes must be passed in front of the player on the run using proper passing technique. The group then waits at the opposite end for the other groups to finish before going back the other way. Players on the outside lines shouldn’t be putting too much arc on their passes. This outlet passing basketball drill will help players make good outlet passes up the court. Games can be played either 3 on 3, 4 on 4, or 5 on 5. Upon catching the pass, the middle line immediately passes back out to the same player. Receive new product updates. This drill will lead to less over-dribbling in games and fewer turnovers. ​The team is divided up into 4 lines. How it Works. 3 teams – The drills starts by dividing your team into 3 teams of between 3 - 5 players. After making the passes, the 1s sprint and change spots. This passing drills emphasizes quick ball movement and your players won’t be able to win if they don’t work as a team to pass the ball around. Passing is a critical area that successful coaches incorporate into their practice plans daily. The first player in line has a ball. Basketball Passing Drills: Focusing on the Chest Pass For the first few passes in the drill, the partner and athlete should focus on the chest pass, which means staying between the two middle cones. Passing is a big part of what allows for 5 players to play as a unit offensively and defeat a more individually talented opposition. Only bounce passes allowed – To make it harder for the offensive team, only allow them to make bounce passes to the other offensive player. Passing drill intended to use mainly with younger players or as a warm up drill. In this video, a youth basketball coach explains the benefits of using this fast-paced drill. Two teams start on defense in each half. After the beginner stage you'll find that youth, high school, college, and pro coaches can all use the same passing drills. Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! The receiver will then catch the basketball as the next player starts jogging and will make the pass out in front of them. Every couple of minutes, change the type of passes players perform for the middle lines and the outside lines. Players repeat, continuing to pass to their left. The red team passes amongst themselves with the white team doing likewise. Before the pass is thrown, the receiver must start jogging in the direction of the next line they'll join so that they're catching on the move. Passing for the Outside Lines - For the outside lines, here are a few passes I recommend: Chest passes, overhead passes, one-hand passes. WHY USE THIS BASKETBALL PASSING DRILL Don’t expect players to fire crisp passes until they have the basics driven home repeatedly in practice. Participate within the Basketball Coaching Forum. That’s the best way to get steals and make it tough for the offensive players. Passing Drill #4 - 2-Line Passing and Slides Drill Use two lines (diagram A) - one on each end with the first player near the 3-point arc. Walking shouldn’t be allowed, but also avoid it becoming too intense. To do this, we will provide 5 key fundamentals of passing. Teams play a regular full-court game — without dribbling! Basketball Full court passing and dribbling Passing Players are stood in each corner of the court with two players stood in the center circle. Expect mistakes when your players are first learning, but make sure you’re practicing them. The team splits up into 4 lines in the half-court corners. The drill continues with 3 passing to 2 and x3 passing to x2. The Three Target Passing Drill looks to provide a slightly different spin on the standard passing drills commonly seen. An on-time and on-target catch is considered a "complete pass". As soon as the first pair is near the top of the three-point line, the next pair starts. Initially, the players on offense cannot move except for one step in any direction. Catch the ball with your eyes and hands in a ready position to receive the basketball. No lob passes! Once bounce allowed - Players are allowed to take 1-dribble whenever they get possession. Third man in the group is “monkey in the middle”. For teams that like to run Open Post offense, it also works on the offensive concepts. Three players spread out along the baseline and sprint up and down the floor while passing and catching two basketballs. How to Play 21 in Basketball (Instructions and Videos), 5 Advanced Basketball Stats Every Team Should Track, What is a Triple Double in Basketball? The receiver must time their run so that they’re moving towards the other line and also have their target hands up calling for the basketball. Each group has one ball. This drill will teach players how to utilise fakes and pivots to create area to pass as well as protecting the basketball. A great drill to improve not only passing, but also moving without the ball, spacing, cutting, etc. The player with the ball starts the drill by passing to the first player in the opposite line. Players form 3 lines spread out evenly along the baseline. All basketballs will begin in the middle line. Chest Pass . Do not wait on the pass to come to you. Purpose: To develop passing skills and teamwork in a fun full court basketball drill. Receiver must have his hands up showing 10 fingers and calling for the pass. The offensive team chooses one side and attempts to score without dribbling. The passer then joins the end of the line they passed to. Passers lined up 12-15 feet apart, with third player (defender) in the middle. Basketball Triangle Passing Drill Passing Setup as shown. Youth basketball passing drills and catching basics - Coaching tips and info. Many coaches only use traditional block style passing drills. Effective players are not wed to the dribble and know how to pass the ball on a moment's notice. A second line of players is set across from the first. Without passing, basketball would be an individual sport. Including passes of different lengths and types for players to practice. Players must be able to catch the basketball and make the pass back to their partner within two steps. The drill begins with the defender playing tight on the player who starts with the basketball. Each player starts with a ball. The objective of the drill is for the offense to get the ball past half court as quickly as possible. The inability to pass can lead to unforced turnovers and easy points for the other team. Start with stationary ball handling drills to warm up the hands. Middle player must to catch the basketball and quickly pass on the run. Once players get comfortable with the basic passing technique (which won't take long) move on to more fun and challenging drills that incorporate movement, randomness, and defenders. Run the drill at half-speed when first beginning until the players understand it. Different Passing Types - This drill can be done with one-handed passes, two-handed passes, chest passes, or bounce passes. A great warm-up passing drill that provides a lot of passes in a short amount of time. plus three free eBooks with over 270 pages of our favorite basketball drills and plays! View your previous orders. Passing for the Middle Lines - For the middle lines, here are a few passes I recommend: Chest passes, bounce passes, one-hand chest passes, and one-hand bounce passes. Even though we just posted this in a recent newsletter, I believe the Designated Shooter is a great drill for improving all aspects of your offense including passing. (Definition and NBA Records), The BEEF Shooting Method in Basketball (For Youth Players), 5 Basketball Passing Drills for Great Ball Movement, How to Create a Youth Basketball Practice Plan, Parents: Please Stop Ruining Youth Sports, Zone Defense is Terrible for Youth Basketball, 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports, How to Win Every Youth Basketball Game (8 Terrible Tactics), 1-3-1 Zone Defense – Complete Coaching Guide. The timer starts on the first pass and stops when the ball is caught past half court. Watch the footwork and make sure all players are doing it correctly. Players should be calling for the basketball and using target hands when cutting to receive the basketball. To do this, we will provide 5 key fundamentals of passing. 1 passes to 3 and x1 passes to x3. Players have a lot of fun with this drill, and it requires a lot of concentration. The first pair starts by running slowly down the middle of the court passing chest passes to each other. After a score or change of possession, the defense team gets the basketball and attacks going the opposite way. This passing drill requires players to stay alert as they are receiving the ball and think quickly to make the next pass. Partner Basketball Passing Drills 5. Each player begins rapid fire passing against the wall, moving back about two feet with each pass until 10 feet away (5th pass). He attempts to deflect or steal the basketball. Drill continues in the same manner with players passing around the square in the same direction. There is nothing better than watching an unselfish team who are able to move the basketball around the court quickly and efficiently.Breaking down the defense with smart passing and getting each other free for open jump shots and layups.Wish your team could do this?The basketball passing drills on this page can help you achieve it.But first, let me explain something super important...There are two types of passing drills:1. The offensive player utilises pivots and fakes to make a pass to the other offensive player while the defensive player attempts to deflect or steal the pass. This drill helps with passing, dribbling, conditioning, and shooting. Passing, along with screening and cutting, are the three tools that … After each trip down the court, players should switch sides so that they’re practicing throwing short and long passes on both sides of their body. If your players are ready, you can use drills like this to work on multiple skills: Once players are competent you should use dynamic game-based passing drills that include decision making, random types of passes, movement, and passing under pressure. The drill starts out with the players who have the basketballs passing to their right. On the coach's signal players 1 and 2 start dribbling before passing to players 3 and 4 respectively who return the pass. Add your favorite basketball drills and rate and review our entire drill library. No Dribble 3v2 Continuous - Passing and Decision Making. While there’s no set time limit, the offensive player with the basketball shouldn’t hold it for more than 5 seconds at a time without passing. We recommend interleaving drills (combining skills to practice more efficiently). This basketball passing drill will also help improve hand-eye coordination along with movement before and after the pass. This drill needs a rebounder or shooting machine to perform. Teach beating the opponent to the basketball every time possible. This basketball passing drill focuses on improving young basketball players passing ability. It’s important to instruct the players to keep great spacing and make smart cuts in order to receive the ball. 3 players progress up the court passing the basketball’s back and forth to the middle player and then finishing the drill with two layups. Basketball Passing Drills Ball Handling Warm Up. Coach: Bill Thom.
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