Pulling her fur! Ahhh! Would you believe me if I said I've been to space? Look at where we are. "But Spirit Bear, you're confused". Nothing I'd ever dish out. Full of potential, without a clue as to where we're going, and what we'll become. Not my mess! Collect 700,000,000 Pollen from the Stump Field. Well, we used to, it's been ages, anyhow: I opened our picnic basket, and out flew a Frosty Bee. Oooh, isn't it all the same? To know ahead of time where we'll be, well. Those Red Bees, they really are a feisty bunch. Mr. Lid-loosener himself, up there. The basic set costs $40 USD and the deluxe set costs $55 to $60. Here. Here you go - these are yours. Memory Match! Oh! What do you think of us bears? With this on the Beesmas Tree, you'll receive the following boosts: +10% Capacity; +25% Convert Rate while at the Hive; x1.25 Pollen from the Dandelion Field; And x1.25 Pollen from the Stump Field. (Yawn) Not in the honey pot! They forget that I'm here, watching them. And boy can I. Isn't that right bees? What fun would it be to blow right through you without any resistance at all? Well... Beekeeper, I forget your name... Ah yes, you. Not like the ones in here (She taps your head with her [Petal Wand]) Those don't last. But I do need your help. I do what I like - you know that. I don't - wait. Oh! Everything turned out OK. Hmm... really though, I still feel like we have a severe lack of rhubarb. Hmm... Is it really still Beesmas? Have we not always aspired towards ever more beauty - Beauty in ourselves. It was like my harmony was gone. Or rises up from the depths below! Have we met, honey bun? ... Is there something I can help you with, dear? I could have sworn... (The Quest Menu loads) Ah hah! Are you even listening to me? This, this is you right? Of course, your quests. Pfft! But any destination we choose for ourselves... Couldn't possibly live up to the places we go. There's more to life than collecting pollen and making honey. You know, ever since I was young, you know one thing... One thing I've always loved. His means of acquiring it, perhaps not as effective as he thinks. Do you even know what that word means? Fearless and happy. Donate 5 Blue Extracts to the Wind Shrine. Looks like it all went well out there. ... Say, have I ever told you about the Pineapple Patch? I take good care of them. But I really shouldn't... (Yaaawn) ... (She's fallen asleep). Smell the rich aroma of the flowers, and of the earth. Outer space. There you are, dear. Perhaps this conversation itself is what the shrine has always been. Yes, yes they did get us through some rough times. It didn't help that I was also the sharper of the two of us. It's keepers and bees like you, that give us our reputation. And Coconut Field is the only field in which Sprout grants [Coconuts] and [Tropical Drinks]. No, not Valentine's Day, dear. Didn't get my neopoints. Collect 10,000,000 Pollen from the Dandelion Field. I have only one Quest Menu. Mmhmm... Alright then. Yes yes. Imagine - Windy Bee and I, up there. Although, there was an old wive’s tale about donating [Strawberries] to the Galentine’s Shrine. Excuse me, ... .... What? It ought to take you quite a while... (Yawn) Works out good for me. Oh! Itself - is that us? Hmm... maybe I wouldn't remember all the details. ... What's that? This one's a real doozy. For the bees, and also for the seeds, she loved to snack on the seeds. I suggest planting [Magic Beans] in the Pepper Patch. Just who do you think you are? How long would it take, if you left this place, to forget it? AH! Well they are fake bees, dear. Oh, believe me dear - you don't want to get me started on [Ornaments]. (Yawn) You bug-eyed brats, take the coal and act happy about it- Oh! Yes I said trillions! And it's. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE NICE? I remember. An unpredictable creature difficult to grasp. But I’ve always been facinated [sic] by the shrine. Keep going now, the next quest rewards a [Spirit Petal]! Oh, come quick. Some ancient civilization? Complete this one, and I've got a special [Star Jelly] for you... Go out and partake in pasttimes [sic]! Heheh. Tssk. Good question. (She rocks her head back and stretches her neck) Ahhh, I'm waking up now. Rhubarb. No? Two things actually. Oh! Hah. Who knows! Goodbye! It said larger beards tend to develop arthritis earlier in life. How can you stand it out there in the snowy fields like that? He's always been a bit reserved. You've got 35 bees. An inductive T‐match network is utilized for impedance matching with capacitive Higgs‐4 chip. I've been told us bears on this mountain come off as TOO friendly. I said "I guess you were right! Oh! That’s my online banking info. Who knows. Take them now and run, run before I start again, Explaining how you have only 3 quests left and what not. I guess it's nothing really to write home about. Please, you don't want to end up like Spirit Bear. There you are, dear. Oh I matched one. (She glares at the Wind Shrine). No? You may choose one of the pre-set reasons below. All sorts of things. These are the only gifts I care about: The gift of life! (Somehow she’s standing in her sleep) … (She’s clenching her jaw and grinding her teeth) …ahh… (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest?). Why, why have I chosen wind related titles? Are you listening to us now, Windy Bee? Huge, yet ancient! But others see it. Well. Collect 300,000,000 Pollen from the Mushroom Field. I know, I've seen. We've got questing to do, you know that. Love isn't as much fun as toys and gifts. Donate 300 Pineapples to the Wind Shrine. No pressure ever, no sweat. (Cough) Ach. Yes. But we're not the boss of seeds. I mean. Hmm... (She gazes into the fields) Flowers dance their entire lives, too. Ah, but I still feel like I need to. And through it, we maintain a living bond with a certain past. To spring out of this mountain myself, like another flower. Heheh. Windy can be an unreliable - downright fickle bee. Don't worry, that one will be back too. (She whispers something to the [Magic Bean]) No? ... (She reaches into her [Petal Belt] and grabs a handful of petals) Strange noises like that, they don't just come out of nowhere. Until the day my sister passed away. Bees, always selfless, and always friendly. All I can remember is that there were more than I can remember! Isn't that right? Unless... we let it be our end. There you are, dear. I know what I've done and I'm retired now. Do you think, do you think I need this stress right now, goodness He is - Onett is up there, probably trying to call me AGAIN and you, You are down here giving me this speil [sic] about not donating a [Gold Egg], good greif [sic]! No more than 10 minutes of dancing a day. And here we are! You don't know what I do in my free time. Collect 4,000,000,000 Pollen from the Stump Field. The whole reason I brought this up It's because this quest will take place in the Stump Field, at least part of it. So what I'm talking about you bees. You can't play Winter Memory Match without a membership, and you can't get new ones! There you are, dear. Who knows. No, definitely not, not me at least. But still... he hasn't been around. Oh yes! Take the ultimate test of fighting skill and concentration! (Yawn) You call yourself a "Gifted" Bee and you can't even read? Collect 120,000,000 Pollen from the Cactus Field. She is located between the Coconut Field and the Pepper Patch, and in front of the Extreme Memory Match. Only a fool would believe in magic! I suppose nobody would talk bad about the mountain to me. Open those presents and have yourself a very, very merry Beesmas. Collect 150,000,000 Pollen from the Coconut Field. I'm retired. (She takes her Quest Menu out of her [Petal Belt]) This quest, I have a quest on here. You're frightening the bees again, Spirit Bear. And you did the things I told you? ... (Time passes and you figure you should leave) Don't go! Collect 60,000,000 Pollen from the Pineapple Patch. Maybe, more importantly, it can be used to extend Field Boosts, Like those you get from [Field Dice]. I really ought to be going as well. You don't need much money, you've just got to keep an eye out. In any case, it's exceedingly rare. It’s Beesmas now. Oh, it's you dear. My [Spirit Petals] - worthless. When I start rambling it's like, like an avalanche of petals. I see you down there, Mother Bear! Goo and honey, so similar, uncannily so. These [Coconuts] - another one of my imports, as you probably guessed. Look around... All these things! I always used to hate those tasks the most. I'm not sick. We appreciate all bees - their variety of traits, talents and hinderences... [sic] Reveal to us the benefits and strengths of all others. (Yawn) Why is the tunnel even down here? What's it matter? This is my Winter Memory Match info. She was a lovely bear, mind you. He likes the tang. Your humble beginnings provide the context in which your accomplishments have meaning at all. Collect 40,000,000 Pollen from the Pineapple Patch. I'm here all the time, mind you, and I've never in my life seen him there. For the Event bee with a similar name, see Bear Bee. Collect 100,000,000 Pollen from the Dandelion Field. This goo arrived at our mountain rather recently. Swarm - The Bugs Strike Back You are about to send feedback on Swarm - The Bugs Strike Back . Not even the sky's the limit when you put it all together. Yes, that's a good way to put it. Your partner in crime in this great honeymaking conspiracy! A project definitely worth my efforts - as you've shown. Well, don't dwell on it. The next quest, it's one of those semi-milestone quests so, We have that to look forward to, so cheer up. I hope it never ends. Yes, that something is you! Of course, your quest. Listen to the Wind Shrine's responses - they give you insight into where your favor stands. The tree that was over there. But you all look rather similar to me. (Yawn) For the last time I will NOT eat it! Me. Heheh. Challenges, posed by the bee, and by the winds. No - not the [Pineapples], dear. Hmm? After all this, you feel familiar with it? How does it work? (She glares at Mother Bear) ... You! ... Oh! Collect 3,000,000,000 Pollen from the Dandelion Field. It was their choice. But I'm also not saying that all challenges are bad. Oh your quest. She was adventurous, but not in the same way. Of course you are! Oh, and let me just say, that bowl of [Blueberries] drizzled in honey... Now that's a treat that's hard to beat. You'll need to do that before Windy Bee will even think about calling back to you. Collect 6,000,000,000 Pollen from the Coconut Field. I do feel it. Yes I remember now. I don't know! I think it's talking to itself, no, singing to itself. Collect 400,000,000 Goo from Red Flowers. To swarm around like that, dancing! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO WORK AS A TEAM! Hmm... (She grabs a petal from her [Petal Belt] and looks at it) Hard work! They're gardeners too. Yes... but don't get ahead of yourself. Right - why don't you give the Wind Shrine a try? Every day, stronger and more determined! Do you believe what I'm saying? I am retired. Good! But Galentine's Day is a whole other type of magic - and just as fun! No no of course not... Don't tell me. You. Collect 150,000,000 Pollen from the Rose Field. Ok, well I can help with that. Somehow she's standing in her sleep) ...get... ...up...here... (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest? It said "The moon seems happy!" (She is staring at the Wind Shrine) Hmm... What? Collect 800,000,000 Pollen from the Pumpkin Patch. ...(She closes her eyes)... Hmm. And of course, it's almost entirely rock. Retired. But I can't help but feel everything here is just a bit... Misaligned. As if you weren't busy enough! (She holds up her [Petal Wand]) And I grew to believe that through my bond with nature, I would always be fearless. What good is all this knowledge I have if I can't force someone to listen to it? Not usually, no. (She hands it to you) There you go! That's how she was. Haah! The contents below may be archival, but feel free to edit below. I rarely go up there anymore anyhow. Now she was a true rambler! I had enough at that point, of her honey-bashing. Collect 100,000,000 Pollen from the Pumpkin Patch. Over there, on that mushroom, dancing. I can't sleep with that ruckus! Couldn't he have put just a bit more effort into keeping things straight? Donate 5 Red Extracts to the Wind Shrine. Isn't that sad? Don't take me seriously dear. That was another person's quest. Perhaps that's more than an echo. It's easy to get overwhelmed with numbers around here. Mmmm...mhmm...(she's murmuring to herself with her eyes close [sic])... (Yawn) Oh! (Cough) Excuse me. The Coconut Field also grants about twice as many of each treat. Let's keep busy, hmm. Everyone, don't let her eat any honey!" ...(She stares into the distance)... Mmm... [Blueberries] are healthy for you, though. You can find the Winter Memory Match near Honey Bee. Opening your eyes is not enough, not to truly see. The wall appears within range and lasts for the duration. Every tree and cloud. (She points up at the 30 bee gate) The gangs all here! You can't prove that I'm not. Do my resting, and my thinking. That Special Sprout Summoner over there. (Yawn) You call yourself a Rascal - I'll call you just plain RUDE. ...(Yawn)... Oooh, that's one thing I hope you beekeepers take away from these quests. Oh, but before you say a single word, let me tell you. Can you help me with something. (She looks over at your bees) It's what? I wouldn't change my ways, oh no. Could it be that you actually believe me? I saw it on the news. Collect 500,000,000 Pollen from the Sunflower Field. Meticulous anything, for that matter. I've only got 30 quests, for now. These are what I live for. I feel sorry for you dear. Protect yourself from wrinkles. Collect 50,000,000 Pollen from the Bamboo Field. Oh right, yes yes. Swinging that collector around and what not. And I'm not just talking about your parents! That makes you another gardener of the mountain. Every type of bear. ...(She smiles and stares at you for a while)... A real fine beekeeper, all in your own right. Are you toying with me, Windy? How about so we [sic] stop looking so lazy around here, how about that. Don't tell him! I know it has to do with "bees". (You open the water bottle for her) Thank you, dear. Making ever more honey is your challenge [sic entire sentence]. She was an [Ornament] hoarder, mmhmm. My first homecoming, back from space... Now, that was the most distant I ever felt, from anything. I didn't hear the chimes, so I don't think he did. No, nothing to see here. Oh, did I tell you I would tell you my password if you decorated the Wind Shrine? Oh yes! Well, child, if I told you now, you wouldn't be satisfied. ... Did you, need something dear? Well, I was quite proud in general. You guys wouldn't know what to do.
Matelas Emma Diamant Noir Promo, Point P Tp Rognac, Literie Hôtel Pour Particulier, Mort Fonky Family, La Mouche Billet Reduc,